It was used again from 1940-47 to raise troops to fight World War II, and then again to meet the needs for the Korean War. The modern Selective Service system was established to raise an army to fight in Europe during World War I. To dodge the Civil War draft, people could pay a less wealthy person to take their place in the draft, pay a crooked doctor to give them a bad health exam, or outright bribe draft officials. Back then, rich men had many other options open to them avoiding Civil War service. The US first started drafting civilians during the Civil War. You are not joining the military but registering with the government to be available in a time where a draft would be necessary. And if you're looking to dodge a draft, you are also probably not our target audience.įor those unfamiliar with their civic duty, US law says all male citizens of the United States and male immigrants (and bizarrely, illegal immigrants, too) have to register for the Selective Service System (SSS - aka 'The Draft') within 30 days of their 18th birthday.
If you're looking for tips on how to shirk military service, you're about 40-some years too late.